Your generous, tax-deductible donation will support many homeless, and incarcerated individuals, empower us to purchase food, personal items, books, clothing, hygiene packages, shoes, and eyeglasses for people in need. Your charitable contributions will also fund endeavors that educate individuals on mental health, stroke prevention, and how to be self-sufficient. We seek funding for VSC Inc's discovery, exploratory and experimental programs including Virginia Samuels Cares Day. For donation receipts or forms please contact us at: or send a quick text to 352-578-3230.

Contact Us

Amazon Finds

We give gifts that keep on giving. If you can't donate to us directly, you can partner with us by clicking on the link below and swiping left. EVERY item purchased off our list from Amazon, gives a portion of the proceeds toward our mission. If there are items that you often purchase and you want to support our organization in this way, please let us know and we will add your item to our list.

Participants in our "Bags of Strength" mission can also find items in this link to be sent directly to them from our organization.

Dollar Donation Drive

Donate a dollar and share the QR code for others to donate a dollar. This is our first of every month fundraising campaign. This small gift will make an instant impact in the lives of those who need it. Every donation received will go to a specific purpose for the month. The following month, a community report will be posted on the contributions and the impacts made by your giving. #OneDayOneDollar